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Showing posts from September 21, 2018
SS2 ECONOMICS LESSON 3 MARKET STRUCTURE MARKET: Any arrangement where buyers come in contact with sellers for exchange of goods and services. FORMS OF MARKET 1.    Factor Market:  Market for buying and selling productive resources. Ex. Machines, capital 2.    Capital Market:  Market where medium and long term loans are sold. 3.   Money Market: For selling and buying short term securities. 4.   Forex Market: For buying and selling foreign currencies. Market Structure is an organizational characteristic of a market that which affect the firm’s pricing and nature of competition. Market Share is a portion of a whole market controlled by a particular firm’s product. TYPES OF MARKET STRUCTURE There are 2 major divisions of the types. a.    Perfect market b.    Imperfect market. 1.    Monopoly 2.    Oligopoly 3.    Monopolistic Competition 4.    Perfec...