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Showing posts from July 19, 2020

Part 1: I came, I see and I conquer!

 The things you want does not come when you want them because they never existed. So, wanting is a step for them to exist. Life they say is in phases and men are in sizes. Using the sense organs that are generally free gifts of nature, one will find correctness of the statement of life and people being in stages and levels. I intended initially that this be a very short and straight to the point article but along the line, my instincts keeps stretching and expanding the topic in a more personally satisfying way so that the heaviness on my mind will become an asset of achieving quality without compromising quantity. 1. Some men are born poor. Really poor that the society writes them off. 2. Some men are born rich, so rich that the society desires to be associated with their name alone 3. Some men are born just with nothing other than their organs complete 4. Some men are born with almost absolutely nothing including basic organs necessary for living. At the en...

Part 2: I came, I see and I conquer!

...Many came, and saw and then ended. But there are those who came, few of them saw but very few of them conquered. Anyone and everyone has what it takes to conquer. The difference between you and me may be that my own tools to victory are either more complicated to use than yours or the reverse. But we all have all it takes to conquer! I was born into poverty, so hunger and lack became my battle, my victory tools became so heavy and complicated for me and almost impossible for me to understand how to put them to use except that I understand only that they are there. But my victory depends on my using them. I traded food for knowledge. I traded comfort and warmth for understanding in a land where the sun has refused to answer it's call for help, until I found out instead of dying, my soul is living. Then I knew I am made to conquer. Thereafter, I had my first victory when hunger could not kill me and cold could not swallow me until lack and want became the very tool...

Part 3 I came, I see, I conquer!

...When you got the knowledge, the opponent has surrendered. The victory then is in the fate you give it. Now, I have the power to determine my victory. Some people who stop at seeing never just saw. Some saw the enemy surrender and instead of destroying it, they thought they could chain it and make it serve them. These ones never really understood the enemy. I decided to kill it at the point of surrendering so it doesn't have opportunity to surrender again, that is how I got poverty and lack out of my life, out of my world. If you are looking around to find out, the eyes seeks and yearns to behold lofty things in a flash, yes, just a flash. But the soul, which made me realize I am made to conquer, understands the expanse of the wealth I have distributed. Only it reminds me I got all I want! I came and saw poverty, lack was the king of my kindred, nakedness was the town crier in the kingdom of my fathers. But out of the woods came a voice that these are thieves, the hij...